Strengthen Our Faith, Deepen Our Hope, Spread the Word Of God


Take a virtual tour of St. Luke's Anglican Church!
To take the tour click on 'Virtual Tour' in the menu or click here.

We are a barrier free building, a place that can welcome those with mobility limitations.


We are a breastfeeding

friendly community.


Our parish has approved marriage for same-sex couples who meet the qualifications for marriage in the church. We believe in marriage equality.


Follow us on our FaceBook page.



We are open for in-person worship!

The Church is open for in-person worship on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM and Sundays at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.

We continue to livestream our services for the

Wednesday 10:00 AM and Sunday 10:00 AM services

on our YouTube channel and Facebook.

For more information on connecting with us on our YouTube channel click here.